Thursday, January 21, 2016

Can Self-Help books cause more harm than good?

One evening, while my husband and I were relaxing over a few good reads, an interesting epiphany occurred.   As we sat on our comfortable sofa’s, reading, and sipping on a few glasses of wine he turned to me and asked…  “Angela, when are you going to start applying what you read to your life? I looked back at him quite puzzled.  What do you mean? I do! He looked back up at me from his book and responded… “Oh really”?  He looked over to my book shelf filled with books and responded. “All these books here on our book shelf you have read. Some of these books go back to the time we first met (9 years ago). Yet, you are still faced with the same issues. I was amazed and offended all at once.  How dare you tell me what I’m not doing...?  I retorted in my head. I exhaled and dived back into my book.  I was reading Steve Harvey’s Act like a Success; think like a Success at the time. I placed my book beside me. My mind began to race. My husband was on to something.  I am by no means condemning the self-help industry. I have read Joyce Meyers, Joel Osteen, TD Jakes and The Secret. Let’s not forget the BIBLE… However, for self-help addicts, I include myself as well; constant reading and no application of the principles written can turn into a form of procrastination.   Most times we find ourselves in this loop hole of constantly reading. We know what needs to be done. Nonetheless, we never get around to making the necessary changes  to make our lives better.  Oftentimes after reading my self-help book of choice, my high (motivation) dwindles away and I’ve reverted back to my bad habits. Bad habits do die hard.  I have realized until I truly dedicate to change, remove my pride and ego from the equation and ultimately maintain structure through daily action, nothing will change.  So, I hereby declare today as   “Action” time…  Well, as a lover of the arts lets more accurately say, “Lights, Camera, Action” in our lives and never go back to the balcony again!!
Thanks for your time!!
Until next time Be safe and Prosper!!!
Angie B

1 comment:

  1. I believe they can do more harm than good sometimes. We can become so comfortable learning and learning, but we never start applying the principles and ideas we learn to our daily routine. What I usually do when I read self help books is gradual incorporation weekly, then twice a week, and ect. Sometime just saying in going to start doing this everyday is not practical and sometime cause for failure.
