Wednesday, May 11, 2016

When life hands you lemons, make the best damn lemonade ever!!!!

" Beyoncé echoes the words of activist and author Malcolm X, who once said that:
"The most disrespected person in America is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America is the black woman.”

Many black women across America are living this quote. We are the new day “strange fruit” Billy holiday song into our hearts and souls.  Instead of hanging from trees, we are swinging from mainstream distortions and male chauvinism.  We push our way through a world not designed with us in mind. Beyoncé changed the game by encouraging us to define the rules for ourselves. On April 23rd, Beyoncé announced to the world more than her stages of betrayal and infidelity within her marriage, she led black women down the path of womanhood and dropped us in America’s front yard. We're here!!!  I am woman hear me roar!
Lemonade was her official call for black feminism and empowerment. Her heart wrenching transparency and poetic soul of art, reminded women across America, we all “feel” and “heal’ the same. We all feel insecurities, anger, self-doubt, and invisible at times. She allowed us to see ourselves through her. We rode waves of emotions with her, as she reminded us of days when our soul seemed to leave our body and our hearts were dipped into the fire of life. It is not only our relationships with the men in our lives which leaves us rattled sometimes. It’s the relationship we have with ourselves and the women we share this experience of  womanhood with, who may leave us confused and disturbed. We compete, judge, ridicule and fight amongst ourselves. We never once think to share the burden and be our sister’s keeper. Beyoncé gave us the courage to breathe again. When Life beat us down to the ground, when demands seemed unbearable and when labels were defined for us…We dwindled our light, our strength; we sometimes even questioned our beauty. (We questioned what we “should” do or who we “should” be.)  When life Suffocated us until we didn’t know who we were anymore, she gave us back our voice. 
Beyoncé’s album goes beyond infidelity and reaches into the soul of black women. She jolted us back to life. We followed Beyoncé’s evolution of “self” through the use of “other” as she made it the new “norm”. Lemonade was unapologetic, beautiful, and transcending all in one. So let’s get in formation ladies!!!!! It’s about time….

Angie B Love


  1. What a powerful accumulation of words. The best review of Beyonce's "Lemonade", that I have ever read.

    1. Thank you so much!!
      I'm glad you enjoyed....
